This interactive site offers information on human trafficking facts and statistics. The page includes a map of human trafficking in the United States along with a statistical analysis.

Further down the page the user can click on four different tabs to read some basic facts on human trafficking.

The last section of the page presents a series of myth usually associated to human trafficking, allowing the user to click learn more in order to read about the reality behind those assumptions.

You can visit the website here.














Global Modern Slavery Directory
Online Tools

Modern slavery is a global issue that requires a coordinated global response. This is the case both for the work to eradicate it in the long term, and in the immediate, to help individual survivors find freedom right now. The NGOs, multilateral inst...Read More

TAGS: Global
Global Slavery Index
Online Tools

The Global Slavery Index is an online tool that provides a country-by-country analysis of the prevalence of modern slavery, the vulnerability of each country's population to modern slavery, and different governmental responses. Using the int...Read More

TAGS: Global
Appropriations Guide
Online ToolsGuidanceGood Practices

This regularly updated website includes links to different reports and guides produced by the Alliance to End Slavery & Trafficking (ATEST), all of which provide funding recommendations to Congress to fight human trafficking. You can...Read More

Slavery Footprint
Online Tools

Slavery Footprint is a survey that asks and responds to the question, “How Many Slaves Work For You?” The survey allows users to input select data about their consumer spending habits, which then outputs a graphical “footprint” of the user...Read More

TAGS: Global