This brief aims to advise Thai suppliers and global brands and retailers, and inform a broader audience, regarding the impact of workforce reductions on foreign migrant workers in Thailand, especially MoU workers hired through the formal recruitment process governed by bilateral agreements between Thailand and other countries. It provides an analysis of the legal scope of the obligations of employers to separating MoU employees, the conditions under which MoU workers are permitted to remain in Thailand to find new employers, a review of recent worker reported situations and concerns, and recommendations for more responsible management of separations, including layoffs, when workforce reductions cannot
be avoided.

Responsible Management of Workforce Reduction in Thailand in the Covid-19 Environment-Issara Institute Thailand team 2020 DOWNLOAD














Discussion Sheet on Factory Health and Safety
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Keeping workers safe needs to be top priority amongst both clothing brands, their suppliers and the worker representatives. To give targeted guidance on how to keep workers safe, we have developed this discussion sheet which, in combination with our...Read More

COVID, ESGs and Going to the Moon: How Business Can Unite to Eliminate Forced Labour
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

On the surface, this statement may seem like just another contribution to the world of hyperbole. A Drug-free ASEAN by 2015 anyone? The difference here is that we are dealing with practices that the vast majority of people consider have no place in ...Read More

Digital Tools to Boost Collaboration and Productivity
COVID-19 resourcesNews & AnalysisEvents

When: October 8, 2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Tech Against Trafficking and BT will be hosting an online event to help you unlock the potential of your organization through the use of digital tools. The event will feature a Skills for Tomorrow workshop by BT.    Date and Time Thursday,...

COVID-19 Impact on Trafficking in Persons
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Trafficking in Persons (TiP) is a core protection issue violating the dignity and integrity of the person, endangering their life and physical security. It is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. In normal times, TiP is widespread,...Read More