Out of the shadows: Shining light on the response to child sexual abuse and exploitation, a 60-country benchmarking index, examines how countries are responding to the threat of sexual violence against children. It explores the environment in which the issue occurs and is addressed; the degree to which a country’s legal framework provides protections for children from sexual violence; whether government commitment and capacity are being deployed to equip institutions and personnel to respond appropriately; and the engagement of industry, civil society and media in efforts to tackle the problem.

Out of the shadows: Shining light on the response to child sexual abuse and exploitation - The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2020 DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2017 Virginia State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and is accurate as of July 11, 2018. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may be revealed to the National Hotline over time. Conseq...Read More

National Hotline 2019 New Jersey State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and is accurate as of July 30, 2020. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

Towards a global indicatoron on unidentified victims in child sexual exploitation material – Technical Report

Ground-breaking research released by INTERPOL and ECPAT International into the online sexual exploitation of children suggests that when online images or videos of child sexual abuse depict boys or very young children, the abuse is more likely to ...Read More

Sex Trafficking at the Border: An Exploration of Anti-Trafficking Efforts in the Pacific Northwest

The prevalence of human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labour in the Pacific Northwest has been well documented in recent years. This paper focuses specifically on trafficking for sex work across the British Columbia ...Read More