This report provides an update on the situation in each of our program locations, as well as summarizing the activities undertaken so far by our partners with ERF funding, and the early impact we’re seeing. This is a mere snapshot, as response activities will continue across all our program locations for some time.

It is also an opportunity to summarize our observations over the past months, which have powerfully reconfirmed our creed that frontline groups and community structures need to be at the heart of any sustainable and equitable path to recovery and development, both in terms of the essential services they provide, and as key drivers of community awareness, emancipation and joint advocacy.

Global Pandemic, Local Devastation: Frontline Efforts to Support the Most Vulnerable - The Freedom Fund, 2020 DOWNLOAD














 ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the World of Work. Fourth Edition: Updated Estimates and Analysis
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

As indicated by revised figures providing additional details on the scope of countries’ workplace closure policies, 94 per cent of the world’s workers are living in countries with some sort of workplace closure measures in place. Although more a...Read More

TAGS: Global
Modern Slavery Act Information Sheet: Coronavirus
COVID-19 resources

This information sheet provides guidance for entities about how to reduce the risk of vulnerable workers in their operations and supply chains becoming exposed to modern slavery as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This informat...Read More

Responsible Management of Workforce Reduction in Thailand in the Covid-19 Environment
COVID-19 resources

This brief aims to advise Thai suppliers and global brands and retailers, and inform a broader audience, regarding the impact of workforce reductions on foreign migrant workers in Thailand, especially MoU workers hired through the formal recruitment...Read More

Information for agricultural workers on the Seasonal Worker Visa on your rights and support whilst in Scotland
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

This leaflet aims to inform migrant agricultural workers on the UK’s‘Seasonal Workers’ Pilot’ in Scotland of your rights and what you cando if you think your rights are not being protected. It also sets outwhat you should do to keep yourself...Read More