The ILO’s Flagship International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour and Forced Labour (IPEC+) has ongoing operations in 62 countries, all of which are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program has developed business continuity plans to mitigate the risks and to repurpose its strategy and is seeking to allocate additional funding to support efforts to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on child labour, forced labour and human trafficking, particularly in relation to school closures, business shut downs, unemployment, the loss of livelihoods in affected communities and a
lack of social protection systems.

COVID-19 Impact on Child Labour and Forced Labour: The Response of the IPEC+ Flagship Program - ILO, 2020 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19 and Human Trafficking– the Amplified Impact on Vulnerable Populations
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Written by Jonathan Todres and Angela Diaz. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not only revealed inequities, it has also exacerbated them. Already-vulnerable populations are bearing the brunt of the health impacts of COVID-19 an...Read More

The Effects of COVID‑19 on Trade and Global Supply Chains
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The purpose of this brief is to provide an analysis of the near-term effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic on enterprises and workers engaged in trade and GSC-related activities and to explore the medium and long-term implications of the pandemic on su...Read More

Voices of the Invisible Citizens: A Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Internal Migrant Workers
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The 21-day lockdown has inadvertently exposed the extreme vulnerability of migrant workers in India. The construction sector contributes to around 9% of the country's GDP and employs the highest number of migrant workers across India with 55 million...Read More

The Effect of COVID-19: Five Impacts on Human Trafficking
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In June 2018, a coalition of global tech companies, civil society organizations, and international institutions jointly launched Tech Against Trafficking (TAT), a collaborative effort to support the eradication of ...Read More