This research report conducted by GoodWeave International on the status of carpet, home textile, and apparel workers in South Asia confirms that the impacts of COVID-19 have resulted in extreme hardship for informal workers and their families. Documented income loss, indebtedness, school closure, and migration are all indications there will be an uptick in child, forced, and bonded labor conditions. For some, their very survival is at stake.

Hidden and Vulnerable: The Impact of COVID-19 on Child, Forced and Bonded Labor - GoodWeave International, 2020 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19 – Crisis Upon Crisis In Africa: An Eco feminist Perspective
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The novel Coronavirus has triggered a significant global crisis, with the harshest impacts being felt by the poor and working classes across the world. On the African continent, this ‘new’ pandemic encounters numerous other crises of climate hea...Read More

The Impact of COVID-19 on children
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Children are not the face of this pandemic. But they risk being among its biggest victims. While they have thankfully been largely spared from the direct health effects of COVID-19 - at least to date – the crisis is having a profound effect on the...Read More

TAGS: Global
COVID-19: Guidance for Employers and Business to Enhance Migrant Worker Protection during the Current Health Crisis
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Employers and business play a vital role in protecting migrant workers and their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many provide essential care, services and goods and, in doing so, rely heavily on their migrant workforce. This includes nurse...Read More

Investor Toolkit On Human Rights
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Among countless severe consequences, the current international COVID-19 emergency has created a global financial crisis of a scale rarely encountered in modern history. Systemic economic and social inequalities across societies are being laid bare a...Read More