This handbook provides guidance on how to design and implement sustainable mechanisms and structures to combat human trafficking and support victims. It also provides guidance on how to monitor and build the capacity of such mechanisms and structures.

The implementation of a comprehensive rights-based anti-trafficking policy should be seen as an element of democratic and transparent governance based on the rule of law. Thus, a crucial prerequisite of effective measures is the building and strengthening of relevant local and national institutions. This handbook provides guidance on how to design and implement sustainable mechanisms and structures to combat human trafficking and support victims. It also provides guidance on how to monitor and build the capacity of such mechanisms and structures.

The Handbook is also available in other languages here.

National Referral Mechanisms (First edition) - OSCE & ODIHR, 2004 DOWNLOAD














Corporate Human Rights Benchmark – Across sectors: Agricultural products, Apparel, Automotive manufacturing, Extractives & ICT manufacturing
News & AnalysisGood Practices

The CHRB is part of WBA, which seeks to generate a movement around increasing the private sector’s impact towards a sustainable future for all. The CHRB produces benchmarks that rank global companies on their human rights performance. WBA is d...Read More

Quality Standards & Guide for Legal Assistance for Children
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

Despite efforts to provide children in conflict with the law quality legal assistance, knowledge of children’s rights and child justice by lawyers can still be improved. The lack of interdisciplinary knowledge is still an important obstacle for la...Read More

TAGS: Global
Fishers first: Good practices to end labour exploitation at sea
Good Practices

The purpose of this report is to present, analyse and share good practices and innovative interventions towards eradicating forced labour and other forms of labour exploitation in the fishing industry. This report consists of two parts. Chapters...Read More

Determinants of Anti-Trafficking Efforts

This project sought to set out the determinants of anti-trafficking efforts, understood as factors shaping governments’ anti-trafficking efforts and influencing compliance with – and implementation of – international standards. It sought to do...Read More

TAGS: Global