In 2022, according to sources on the ground, the trafficking of Rohingya is still very much ongoing. This report is an attempt to bring together data on the human trafficking and migration routes from Myanmar to Bangladesh and other destinations in South and Southeast Asia.

Freedom Collaborative has supported grassroots and frontline organizations and activists in collaborative data gatherings on relevant routes since 2017. This particular data collection has been the most challenging so far. We are extremely grateful to our partners for trusting us and being willing to share their information with us, given the sensitive nature of the situation on the ground and the risk involved.

The report underlines the high trafficking risks faced by Rohingya people at Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh. The report shows that migrants come from several locations across Rakhine State, and also from Thet Kae Pyin Camp outside Sittwe, where an estimated 100,000 Rohingya live in makeshift shelters. Cox’s Bazar, just over the border in Bangladesh, is both a destination and transit point for migrants – those who move on are taken to countries such as India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.

Mapping Rohingya Movement: Collected data on the trafficking routes of a persecuted population - Freedom Collaborative, 2022 DOWNLOAD














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