This is the eleventh year the Government has contracted The Salvation Army and its partners to provide specialist support for adult victims of modern slavery referred from England and Wales. This section provides an overview of the number and profile of potential victims of modern slavery who entered the support services in Year 11, July 2021 to June 2022. The latest Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract came into effect in January 2021.

In the last year a total of 3,068 potential victims entered the service to receive support through the contract, 289 more people than the previous year.

Taking into account those people already in the service at the start of Year 11, a total of 8,830 people received support during the year, the largest number of people supported during a contract year to date.

Since 2011 The Salvation Army and its partners have supported 18,291 recovering survivors of modern slavery. In the past 11 years the total number of people entering support each year has risen by 710% from 378 in the first year to 3,068 this year.

Supporting Survivors of Modern Slavery: Report on The Salvation Army’s Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract July 2021 to June 2022 - The Salvation Army, 2022 DOWNLOAD














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