The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) offers a unique opportunity to prevent human rights violations and environmental damage in value chains of European companies and to finally give those affected a real chance to claim compensation. In February 2022, the EU Commission presented a proposal for a corresponding directive. It goes beyond the German Supply Chain Act in several respects. However, it also contains numerous loopholes, largely as a result of pressure from business lobby groups. In May 2022, the German “Initiative Lieferkettengesetz” and further European civil society organizations therefore submitted joint proposals on how the draft could be improved in order to obtain an effective EU directive after all.

The copy & paste method: How German Members of the European Parliament are adopting the demands of the business lobby for the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive - Global Policy Forum, 2023 DOWNLOAD














18th Alliance against Trafficking calls for broad, inclusive, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency approach based on strong partnerships
News & Analysis

Vienna, 24 April 2018 – OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Madina Jarbussynova urged today OSCE participating States to capitalize on the best practices and many successful multi-disciplinary and ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Understanding and Attitudes of Employers of Migrant Domestic Workers towards Ethical Recruitment and Decent Work Principles in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
News & Analysis

This study presents findings from a web-based survey conducted in Hong Kong SAR, China in November 2019. In the context of Hong Kong SAR, China, it is the first study of its kind to employ a quantitative method to assess current levels of understand...Read More

Cyber Slavery in the Scamming Compounds
News & Analysis

Cyber slavery is emerging as a form of organized crime of unprecedented severity and scale. Conservative estimates suggest that tens of thousands of victims are held captive in scamming compounds. While getting spammed with fraudulent messages i...Read More

Recent Migration Trends in the Americas
News & AnalysisGuidancePublications

This report seeks to inform the discussions at the Summit of the Americas in June 2022 by providing background on migration on the continent and in particular recent dynamics pending data availability. The Global Compact of Migration recognized in t...Read More