The Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) is a free, open-source data collection template that forms the backbone of corporate modern slavery due diligence programs. It is maintained by a Development Committee committed to ensuring it keeps stride with new research and evolving industry needs. It is housed under the Social Responsibility Alliance, an initiative dedicated to providing companies with the open-source data collection tools they need to build socially responsible supply chains.

Why was the STRT created?

The STRT facilitates human trafficking and modern slavery related data collection and analysis, helping companies and their supply chains work together to engage in more ethical operations. The data collected gives companies visibility into their supply chain operations and prioritize due diligence and risk mitigation actions. The STRT is designed to meet the need for a universally-accepted template among global supply chains.

How the STRT works

The template is a self-assessment questionnaire, in Excel format, used to collect data on human trafficking and modern slavery-related risks in the supply chain. Companies can utilize the data collected to improve supply chain visibility, assess and mitigate risk, improve human trafficking-related public disclosures, and ensure their compliance with human trafficking and modern slavery related legislation.

Click here to access the template














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