This document sets out key principles, guidance and recommendations for the hotel industry in the form of policies, practices, procedures, protocols and a checklist of suggested actions. It is intended for the internal use of hotels and other stakeholders in the industry. It has been created as a template with recommended action throughout to set up strong processes and protocols to address risk of modern slavery within your business and supply chains. The Blueprint can be adapted by individual managers, department heads and teams as appropriate to better suit the nuances and needs of your organisation. It is important that senior management be ultimately responsible for any processes or policies put in place and that efforts are regularly monitored for effectiveness. We hope to continue adapting the Blueprint in line with best practice and we welcome feedback, constructive criticism and new partnerships to improve this work.

Stop Slavery Blueprint - Shiva Foundation, 2018 DOWNLOAD
Stop Slavery Blueprint_V2.0- Shiva Foundation, 2018 DOWNLOAD














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