This resource provides guidance to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) companies on addressing forced labor risks in their supply chains.

It complements the key findings of KnowTheChain’s first benchmark of 20 large ICT companies, though its advice is relevant to the sector as a whole. The guidance covers a range of issues—from policy development and monitoring to grievance procedures and remediation—and prioritizes areas of engagement that the benchmark found to be particularly weak. The aim of the guide is to support business, investor, and multi- stakeholder efforts to prevent forced labor and protect the rights of vulnerable workers in supply chains. It is best reviewed alongside KnowTheChain’s key findings report.

Resource and Action Guide for ICT Companies DOWNLOAD














Detailed Trafficking Indicators List

Victims of trafficking in humans can be found in a variety of situations. You can play a role in identifying such victims. This tool lists detailed indicators by type of exploitation, and with a focus on child trafficking. ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Updated Guide to Ethics and Human Rights in Anti-Trafficking: Ethical Standards for Working with Migrant Workers and Trafficked Persons in the Digital Age

Prepared by Lisa Rende Taylor and Mark Latonero. As digital technologies such as mobile phones and social media are permeating the lives of people across the globe, more organizations working in anti-trafficking and responsible sourcing are seek...Read More

Screening Interview Form

The Screening Interview Form is a document enabling relevant stakeholders to identify the beneficiary as a victim by gathering information related to the trafficking process. It should be completed by one person (case-worker) in coordination with pa...Read More

TAGS: Global
2018 Statistics from the National Human Trafficking
GuidanceGood Practices

The U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline provides survivors of human trafficking with vital support and options to get help and stay safe. These options may include connecting callers with emergency shelter, transportation, trauma counselors, loc...Read More