This briefing presents the findings of a project, led by University of Liverpool in partnership with FLEX and funded by the British Academy with the Department for International Development.

The project assessed how transparency in supply chains for chocolate and clothes (please see separate garment briefing) can help to protect human rights, including children’s rights, and the wellbeing of workers in low and middle-income countries. This briefing examines the findings from research into the cocoa sector in Ghana and the Dominican Republic to provide key policy recommendations for businesses and governments.

child labour

Recognising Lived Realities - Focus on Labour Exploitation, University of Liverpool, 2019 DOWNLOAD














A PATHWAY TO JUSTICE OR A ROAD TO NOWHERE? Trafficked migrants’ experience of seeking justice in Hong Kong

This report considers how effectively the Action Plan to Tackle Trafficking in Persons and to Enhance Protection of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong (the Action Plan) 1 has been implemented and, specifically, whether it has helped trafficked pe...Read More

National Hotline 2018 West Virginia State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

In Harm’s Way: How Systems Fail Human Trafficking Survivors

The National Survivor Survey is the largest and most significant effort to date to learn directly from survivors of sex and labor trafficking. This report uses the findings from this study to paint a detailed picture of the arc of trafficking – fr...Read More

A comprehensive analysis of policies and frameworks governing foreign employment for Nepali women migrant workers and migrant domestic workers

Nepal has implemented, repealed and re-implemented various bans and restrictions on the migration of women migrant workers and / or migrant domestic workers since 1998, the year in which all women migrant workers were first banned from migrating to ...Read More

TAGS: Asia