The Fair Labor Association developed the ENABLE Training Toolkit to prepare sustainability managers, master trainers, and field-level practioners to apply components of the USDA Guidelines for Eliminating Child Labor and Forced Labor in Agricultural Supply Chains in the context of their own organizations. It aids in the understanding of implementing a human rights due diligence program.

The ENALBE Toolkit contains six training modules, a facilitator’s guide, presentation slides, and a participant manual. The toolkit provides guidance to companies and suppliers who are interested in adopting the USDA Guidelines or similar responsible sourcing frameworks, and supports fulfillment of emerging regulatory requirements on supply chain mapping and the abolition of child labor issues in supply chains.

The ENABLE Toolkit is based on a modular approach and can be conducted consecutively or as independent courses.

The toolkit can be easily accessed here.














Know Your Rights
Online Tools

An interactive map made available by ECPAT to inform children victims of sexual abuses about their rights and how to exercise them. In particular, the map consists of two separate sections: the picture below shows how through the map ECPAT t...Read More

TAGS: Global
Freedom! App
Online Tools

The "FREEDOM!" app is a globally available human trafficking mobile application that empowers individual victims and communities to anonymously and safely report cases of human/child sex trafficking in 10 languages at three main levels: victims, tr...Read More

Human Trafficking: Myths, Facts, and Statistics
Online Tools

This interactive site offers information on human trafficking facts and statistics. The page includes a map of human trafficking in the United States along with a statistical analysis. Further down the page the user can click on four dif...Read More

Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations
Online Tools

Given the rapid development of initiatives aimed at helping businesses fight human trafficking, the RESPECT Initiative (comprising Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organi...Read More

TAGS: Global