This report is one of a series of case studies to supplement the global campaign report, Ripe for Change, drawing attention to the plight of specific groups of small-scale farmers or workers in international food value chains and/or promoting successful alternative approaches.

Poverty is widespread among the small-scale farmers and workers who produce and process our food, in an industry worth billions of dollars. Oxfam’s new campaign highlights the systemic inequality and human suffering in food supply chains – and shows how action by supermarkets, governments, small-scale farmers and workers could lead to a decent and dignified standard of living for millions of people.

This case study reveals endemic economic exploitation of farm workers in Italy who supply fruit and vegetables to supermarkets across Europe. It highlights the particular vulnerability of women and migrant workers, many of whom are recruited by gangmasters and forced to live and work in inhumane conditions. Wages are deducted in return for transport, food and accommodation. Workers express fear of sexual harassment, violence and exploitation.

The report is available in English and in Italian.

Human Suffering in Italy’s Agricultural Value Chain - Oxfam and Terra!, 2018 DOWNLOAD
Sfruttati- Povertà e disuguaglianza nelle filiere agricole in Italia - Oxfam e Terra!, 2018 DOWNLOAD














The Global Slavery Index 2018

Executive Summary Depriving someone of their freedom is a terrible violation. Modern slavery is a destructive, personal crime and an abuse of human rights. It is a widespread and profitable criminal industry but despite this it is largely invisible, ...Read More

TAGS: Global
A Call to Action: Ending the Use of All Forms of Child Labour in Supply Chains

This report offers seven recommendations, such as developing incentives for businesses to thoroughly and continually monitor their supply chains for the use of child labour and forced labour, and to share best practices. It also recommends the Gover...Read More

No Worker Left Behind: Protecting Vulnerable Workers from Exploitation During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

This briefing builds on the understanding that labour exploitation is part of a spectrum ranging from labour compliance through to labour law violations, culminating at extreme exploitation in the form of forced labour. Research by FLEX and others s...Read More

UK Labour Visa Schemes: Creating the Conditions for Exploitation?
News & AnalysisPublications

In recent years labour shortages in the UK have intensified and in attempt to mitigate these gaps in the workforce a large number of labour visas are granted to migrant workers each year. Workers who come to the UK on temporary labour visa...Read More