Thematic Articles:

  • Reflections from the Field: Disparate responses to labour exploitation in post Katrina Louisiana.
  • Base Motives: The case for an increased focus on wage theft against migrant workers.
  • Modern Heroes, Modern Slaves? Listening to migrant domestic workers’ everyday temporalities.
  • Slaves to Technology: Worker control in the surveillance economy.
  • Domestic Work and the Gig Economy in South Africa: Old wine in new bottles?
  • The Struggle of Waste Pickers in Colombia: From being considered trash, to being recognized as workers.
  • ‘Ways of Seeing’—Policy paradigms and unfree labour in India.
  • Debate: ‘It is worth undermining the anti-trafficking cause in order to more directly challenge the systems producing everyday abuses within the global economy’.
  • From Conflict to Common Ground: Why anti-trafficking can be compatible with challenging the systemic drivers of everyday abuses.
  • The Anti-Trafficking Cause: From exceptionalism to shared struggle.
  • Rights Not Rescue: Lessons from migrant domestic workers in the UK and their struggle for systems change.
  • Strategic Redirection through Litigation: Forgoing the anti-trafficking framework to address labour abuses experienced by migrant sex workers.
  • Letting Go of the Dream of Traffickers behind Bars: We can do better for exploited workers.
Anti-Trafficking Review - Everyday Abuse in the Global Economy: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, 2020 DOWNLOAD




















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