This is a report of a two-year research study into understanding the causes, dynamics and ‘vulnerabilities’ to human trafficking in three source countries – Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria – plus the support needs of people from these countries who have experienced trafficking and are now in the UK. The report focuses on these countries because they have consistently been among the top countries of origin for potential trafficked persons referred into the UK’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM). The study was carried out as a partnership between the University of Bedfordshire and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
- Explore socio-economic and political conditions plus other contextual factors that create ‘vulnerability’ to, and ‘capacity’ against, human trafficking in Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria
- Utilise and refine IOM’s Determinants of Migrant Vulnerability (DoMV) model
- Outline routes taken from Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria to the UK
- Review existing academic and ‘grey’ literature on trafficking within and from Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria
- Explore the support needs of people who have experienced trafficking from Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria and have arrived into the UK, plus highlight examples of good practice in human trafficking work across these countries