This report is a summary of a consultation into research priorities on modern slavery for the Policy and Evidence Centre on Modern Slavery and Human Rights.

The consultation was carried out between July and October 2020, overseen by a Working Group composed of members of the Modern Slavery PEC Senior Management Board and Advisory Group.

The report outlines key research areas, themes and topics identified during the consultation, as well as guiding principles driving the Modern Slavery PEC research agenda: effectiveness, equity and survivor involvement.

The consultation will contribute to the Modern Slavery PEC’s research strategy and delivery plan.

Consultation on the Modern Slavery PEC's research priorities - Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Assessment Matrix – Legal Checklist on Key Legal Interventions to Prevent Children From Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism

This ASSESSMENT MATRIX explains how to measure evidence of national legislative and policy responses to sexual exploitation of children in the context of travel and tourism as identified in the legal checklist. Measurable indicators for each of the ...Read More

2022 Global estimates of modern slavery: Forced labour and forced marriage

Modern slavery is the very antithesis of social justice and sustainable development. The 2021 Global Estimates indicate there are 50 million people in situations of modern slavery on any given day, either forced to work against their will or in a ma...Read More

TAGS: Global
Modern Slavery PEC Impact Report for 2019-2022
News & AnalysisPublications

Slavery is a complex phenomenon and a pervasivescar on humanity. The control of another person, theexploitation of their body and labour, and the removalof their rights, is a degradation of all concerned. It isall too easy to see this as a problem o...Read More

Increased Transparency of Forced Labour and Money Laundering in Seafood Supply Chains

This briefing paper by Liberty Shared sets out recent improvements to the transparency of supply chains and analysis techniques and resources being increasingly applied by civil society to identify where exploitative activities exist in a supply chai...Read More