Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees, migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people become even more vulnerable in emergencies. This is due to factors such as their lack of access to effective surveillance and early warning systems, and health services. The COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to have significant impacts on various sectors. The populations most at risk are those that:
• depend heavily on the informal economy;
• occupy areas prone to shocks;
• have inadequate access to social services or political
• have limited capacities and opportunities to cope and
adapt and;
• limited or no access to technologies.
By understanding these issues, we can support the capacity of vulnerable populations in emergencies. We can give them priority assistance, and engage them in decision-making processes for response, recovery, preparedness, and risk reduction.














Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons: South-Eastern Europe

The Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons: South-Eastern Europe (TRM Guidelines) have been elaborated in the framework of the Programme to Support the Development of Transnational Referral Mechan...Read More

COVID-19 – Crisis Upon Crisis In Africa: An Eco feminist Perspective
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The novel Coronavirus has triggered a significant global crisis, with the harshest impacts being felt by the poor and working classes across the world. On the African continent, this ‘new’ pandemic encounters numerous other crises of climate hea...Read More

Consolidated Learnings from Research on Overseas Labor Recruitment in Vietnam

This briefing document synthesizes the key themes emerging from GFEMS-funded research and advocacy efforts focused on Vietnamese labor migration between 2018-2020. Findings represent inputs from a range of labor migration stakeholders including gove...Read More

Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking: What to Look for in a Healthcare Setting

An At-a-Glance document describing the role healthcare professionals should take in identifying and serving victims of trafficking and describing the short-term and long-term health effects of human trafficking on victims. ...Read More