In this working paper, we investigate high-level changes in the online strategic communications of organizations engaged with SDG 8.7 (ending modern slavery) during the COVID-19 crisis. We present preliminary evidence of important semantic and thematic shifts based on data from Twitter during this time, with an emphasis on developing the SOLACE (Social Listening and Communications Engagement) dashboard, and with recommendations for important future research involving the use of social media data as a basis for distilling organizational-agenda proxies based on digital campaigns and activism during times of crisis.

Dashboarding The Online Strategic Communications of Anti-slavery Organization During COVID-19 - Rights Lab, 2020 DOWNLOAD














COVID, ESGs and Going to the Moon: How Business Can Unite to Eliminate Forced Labour
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

On the surface, this statement may seem like just another contribution to the world of hyperbole. A Drug-free ASEAN by 2015 anyone? The difference here is that we are dealing with practices that the vast majority of people consider have no place in ...Read More

Addressing Modern Slavery Worker Vulnerability During COVID-19
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting Asia since January 2020. It is now a global pandemic, with over 4.5 million cases detected in 168 countries and over 300,000 deaths globally as of 15 May 2020. Much of the world has implemented severe quarant...Read More

COVID-19 and Modern Slavery within the Hospitality Sector
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The COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting Asia since January 2020. It is now a global pandemic, with over 5.7 million cases detected in 168 countries and over 352,000 deaths globally as of 27 May 2020. Much of the world has implemented severe quarant...Read More

Modern Slavery and COVID-19: Are we really all in the same (life)boat?
COVID-19 resources

The impact of COVID-19 on victims of modern slavery and vulnerable workers is dire. The COVID-19 pandemic is far from an all-in-the-same-boat situation. Its impact on the poor is and will continue to be, far greater than on the rich. Modern slavery ...Read More