This information sheet provides guidance for entities about how to reduce the risk of vulnerable workers in their operations and supply chains becoming exposed to modern slavery as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This information sheet also explains how reporting entities under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Modern Slavery Act) can address the impact of COVID-19 in their modern slavery statements.

Modern slavery refers to a range of serious forms of exploitation, including forced labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, and slavery. Through the Modern Slavery Act, the Australian Government is taking a global leadership role in combating modern slavery.

Modern Slavery Act Information Sheet: Coronavirus - Australian Border Force, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Recovering Rights Series: Business and Human Rights in a Just Recovery
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This brief is part of a series highlighting how we can leverage the commitments governments have made to guarantee human rights to steer us towards a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic response has demanded a greater role for ...Read More

Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises
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The new coronavirus (COVID-19) affects almost every area of people’s lives and economic activity and has led to a significant disruption of world trade. The current situation demonstrates how precarious our global systems of production and consump...Read More

Global Pandemic, Local Devastation: Frontline Efforts to Support the Most Vulnerable
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Worked to Debt: Over Indebtedness In Cambodia’s Garment Sector
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Tens of thousands of garment workers in Cambodia will struggle to repay microfinance debts during work stoppages and factory suspensions caused by COVID-19, creating a mounting human rights crisis as they struggle to feed their families and hold ont...Read More