This report provides fresh evidence that despite recently-introduced government reforms, entrenched patterns of abuse of Nepali migrant workers remain unaddressed. During recruitment processes, local agents and recruitment agents in Nepal are still able to deceive and exploit migrants without significant fear of being caught or punished. New government policies meant to improve the protection of migrant workers’ rights, and drastically reduce what recruitment businesses can charge workers, have not been adequately resourced, monitored, or enforced. Migrants remain at risk of crippling indebtedness, forced labour, and various forms of exploitation throughout the migration process.

Nepal: Turning people into profits: Abusive recruitment, trafficking, and forced labour of Nepali migrant workers - Amnesty International, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains

This report provides the framework and resources necessary to understand the risk of human trafficking in global supply chains, and can help readers begin to assess the risk of human trafficking in particular federal supply chains. Later sections ex...Read More

Leaning In: Advancing the Role of Finance Against Modern Slavery

This report on modern slavery and financial institutions by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies and the Freedom Fund considers the role that the financial sector can play in reducing human trafficking and modern slave...Read More

National Hotline 2019 Missouri State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and is accurate as of July 30, 2020. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

National Hotline 2019 Arizona State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and is accurate as of July 30, 2020. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More