This report provides a series of options to pursue mandatory human rights due diligence legislation in Belgium, based on an analysis of similar initiatives in surrounding countries and an analysis of possible ‘anchors’ in current Belgian law.

Options for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Belgium - Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Case Studies of Human Rights Abuses and Environmental Harm linked to EU Companies and how EU due diligence laws could help protect people and the planet
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

Over the past few decades, some of the EU’s largest and most well-known companies have been involved in appalling human rights abuses and environmental harm in countries across the globe. The companies have failed to address abuses perpetuated by ...Read More

Luxor Implementation Guidelines to the Athens Ethical Principles: Comprehensive Compliance Programme for Businesses
GuidanceGood Practices

Guide to assist businesses in the implementation of the Athens Ethical Principles. The guide is structured around seven principles.

Due Diligence and Transparency Legislation
Good Practices

This work is part of a series of Forced Labour Evidence Briefs that seek to bring academic research to bear on calls to address the root causes of the phenomenon in global supply chains and catalyse systemic change. To do so, the briefs consolidate ...Read More

Child Labour Platform: Report 2010-2011, Business practices and lessons learned on addressing child labour
Good Practices

This booklet is meant as inspiration and provides practical information for managers and employees, who have responsibilities for addressing child labour within the company’s operations and supply chain. The booklet contains business practices an...Read More

TAGS: Global