Evaluation of projects and interventions designed to prevent or address the harm connected with modern slavery is a critical step on the road toward identifying “what works”. Reviews of evaluations already undertaken offer an opportunity to take stock of the state of the evaluation field – what has been evaluated and what has not – but also to identify and examine results emerging from existing evaluation work. From these evaluations we are able to better understand what has already been tried and tested and shown to be effective or ineffective, what we do not know, and what remains unclear.

The Promising Practices Database, created by the Walk Free Foundation, collates impact and programmatic evaluations of anti-slavery and counter trafficking programming. Each evaluation is categorized by country, region, type of modern slavery, and impact of the evaluation. The Database was developed so that project developers, researchers, and academics could quickly identify relevant evaluation work that had already been completed, but also seek to better understand what works – and what does not— through a simple search by country, target population, type or sector of slavery, or type of intervention.

Promising Practices - Walk Free Foundation, 2018 DOWNLOAD




















Business Banking and Start-up Support for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
GuidanceGood Practices

In response to the issues raised in the Expert Review, although most fall outside of SII’s mandate, FAST hosted a global Survivor Business Roundtable on 27 June 2022 to gain more insight into survivors' needs regarding business banking and start-u...Read More

TAGS: Global
Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration): A self-assessment tool for enterprises
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This self-assessment tool for enterprises has been developed to support enterprises that seek to benchmark their corporate social policies and practices against the guidance provided in the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multination...Read More

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Sustainability Report 2019- Responsible Sourcing
Good Practices

Wilmar International Limited (‘Wilmar’ or ‘the Group’) has prepared this report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards): Core option. This report examines sustainability; our...Read More

The Modern Slavery Act 2015: Transparency Reporting Provisions
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

The UK is at the forefront of the global move to tackle human trafficking and prevent modern forms ofslavery by introducing the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) earlier this year.In this Client Alert, we focus on the new transparency reporting prov...Read More