The ESCR Yearbook 2022 is evidence-based documentation on the Economic, Social and Cultural (ESC) rights of the freed Haliyas with a special focus on women and persons with disabilities. It is among the most significant milestones of the “Freed Haliya Empowerment Project” funded by the European Union and co-funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. This yearbook aimed to provide an empirical and rigorous understanding on how the ESC rights of Haliyas are realized in the Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal. The study was made possible by the active participation of rights holders –service seekers and duty bearers- the service providers during the data gathering. The data gathered via an innovative mobile app was the key to construct fact-based policy recommendations to ensure that all freed Haliyas have their rights to development respected in health, education, work and housing – as stipulated in the Constitution of Nepal, national laws and international human rights instruments.
Situation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Freed Haliyas in Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal- Campaign for Human Rights and Social Transformation, 2023