Stop Slavery General Manager Handbook
This Handbook is to be used by General Managers in conjunction with the Stop Slavery Blueprint and provides example documents that can be adapted and used accordingly.
This document sets out key principles, guidance and recommendations for the hotel industry in the form of policies, practices, procedures, protocols and a checklist of suggested actions. It is intended for the internal use of hotels and other stakeholders in the industry. It has been created as a template with recommended action throughout to set up strong processes and protocols to address risk of modern slavery within your business and supply chains. The Blueprint can be adapted by individual managers, department heads and teams as appropriate to better suit the nuances and needs of your organisation. It is important that senior management be ultimately responsible for any processes or policies put in place and that efforts are regularly monitored for effectiveness. We hope to continue adapting the Blueprint in line with best practice and we welcome feedback, constructive criticism and new partnerships to improve this work.
This Handbook is to be used by General Managers in conjunction with the Stop Slavery Blueprint and provides example documents that can be adapted and used accordingly.
As of 6 May 2022, over 5.4 million people have arrived in the European Union since the beginning of the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The vast majority of the persons fleeing Ukraine are women and children. Over 13,000 unaccompanied and separa...Read More
This study takes a child rights lens to the topic of work in home-based and small workshop settings in Asia. As home-work often is associated with child labour, the topic is picked up rather gingerly, where at the same time some industries are infam...Read More
The vast majority of modern slavery and human trafficking cases involve interaction with finance in some form. In many cases, traffickers exploit their victims financially, taking control of their bank accounts, confiscating wages, and using debt as...Read More
Seefar and My Choices Foundation (MCF) are testing interventions that can help reduce the prevalence of Child Trafficking (CT) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) among 12–18-year-olds in 3 targeted districts of We...Read More