BankTrack’s Human Rights Benchmark evaluates 50 of the largest private sector commercial banks globally against a set of 14 criteria based on the requirements of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights(‘the Guiding Principles’). The criteria examine four aspects of banks’ implementation of the Guiding Principles: their policy commitmenthuman rights due diligence (HRDD) process, reporting on human rights and their approach to access to remedy. The Benchmark does not evaluate banks’ actual financing for companies and projects with adverse human rights impacts, and results for each bank should be considered alongside the bank’s profile and record of financing ‘dodgy deals’ on the BankTrack website. This is the third iteration of this benchmark, following our first two reports in 2014 and 2016, published under the title “Banking with Principles?”.

The BankTrack Human Rights Benchmark 2019 DOWNLOAD














Child labour in the fish supply chain on Lake Volta, Ghana: The Torkor model

This report illustrates an ILO project in Ghana, in which ILO partnered with the General Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) of Ghana and the Inland Canoe Fishers’ Association to combat child labour throughout the fish supply chain. ...Read More

Child labour book series: Corporate social responsibility for farmers, No. 1: Understanding the concept of child labour

This booklet is one in a set of three booklets that aims at educating stakeholders about the problem of child labour, the national policies, legislation and strategies and the specific hazards of engagement of children in tobacco farming. Readers ...Read More

Where will I live? Understanding how hosting could fit within current accommodation options for survivors of modern slavery

Safe accommodation is vital for survivors. Offering safe accommodation enables individuals to find stability to rebuild their lives and plan towards their future. Understanding the role hosting can and does play as an accommodation option for surviv...Read More

The Reality of Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Studies on the Impact of CSR on Workers in China, South Korea, India and Indonesia

Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) has been working to understand and deal with the unprecedented impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the working population. In the past few years, AMRC developed a core position paper on the CSR tha...Read More