The Behind the Brands Scorecard assesses the agricultural sourcing policies of the world’s ten largest food and beverage companies. It exclusively focuses on publicly available informa- tion that relates to the policies of these companies on their sourcing of agricultural commod- ities from developing countries.

The initiative based its selection on companies with the largest overall revenues globally, as well as their position in the Forbes 2000 annual ranking, which measures companies on the basis of composite sales, assets, profits and market value.

The ten companies assessed in the Scorecard (in order of company size) are Nestle, PepsiCo, Unilever, Mondelez, Coca-Cola, Mars, Danone, Associated British Foods, General Mills and Kellogg’s.

The Behind the Brands: Food Companies Scorecard- Oxfam, 2016 DOWNLOAD














Legal gap analysis of anti-trafficking legislation in Vietnam

By: Liberty Asia & Blue Dragon Children's Foundation The Vietnamese government has made significant progress to reinforce the current legal system on combating trafficking, particularly in regulating and criminalising trafficking in the Penal Co...Read More

TAGS: Asia
The International Legal Definition of Trafficking in Persons: Consolidation of research findings and reflection on issues raised

Until December 2000, the term “trafficking in persons” was not defined in international law, despite its incorporation in several international legal instruments. The long-standing failure to develop an agreed-upon definition of trafficking in p...Read More

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Corporate Human Rights Benchmark – 2018 Key Findings

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