The shift of economic production from higher labour standard regimes in the global North to lower standard regimes in the South is undermining enforcement of global labour standards. Responding to criticisms from the ‘anti-sweatshop’ movement, consumers and governments, many transnational corporations (TNCs) have adopted codes of conduct to regulate labour standards in their supplier factories. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are increasingly used to monitor compliance with these codes. This article analyses the monitoring effectiveness of three kinds of such ‘third party’ NGOs. It concludes that major monitoring deficiencies reflect, first, significant organizational weaknesses of the NGOs and their dependence on TNCs for whom they monitor; second, powerful limits imposed on NGO effectiveness by corporate restructuring and market competitiveness; and third, inadequate pressures from anti-sweatshop movements, consumers and governments. These constraints suggest that this NGO-centred, ‘soft law’ policy approach is ‘too weak for the job’.

Too Weak for the Job- Corporate Codes of Conduct, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Regulation of International Labour Standards, McMaster University, 2007 DOWNLOAD














Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The new coronavirus (COVID-19) affects almost every area of people’s lives and economic activity and has led to a significant disruption of world trade. The current situation demonstrates how precarious our global systems of production and consump...Read More

National Hotline 2016 New York State Report

The following information is based on incoming communication with the National Human Trafficking Hotline from January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016 about human trafficking cases and issues related to human trafficking in New York. ...Read More

Battling Human Trafficking: A Scrutiny of Private Sector Obligations under the Modern Slavery Act
News & AnalysisPublications

Battling Human Trafficking: How Far Have We Come and Where Do We Go From Here? A Scrutiny of Private Sector Obligations under the Modern Slavery Act by Lucia Bird Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo co-published by the Global Initiative against Transnational Or...Read More

TAGS: Europe
United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report, 2017

This report acknowledges federal agencies’ efforts to implement recommendations provided in the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report 2016, and includes key takeaways from the Council’s two regional trips, and the wor...Read More