Examining the effectiveness of remediation-oriented and due-diligence-oriented technologies in identifying and addressing forced labour and human trafficking.

The global proliferation of mobile-phone-based technologies in countries producing goods for global export– including SMS, smartphone apps, hotlines, polls, and other methods– offers exciting opportunities for collecting worker feedback to support corporate responsible sourcing. This seven-country study analyses how such technologies vary based on their fundamental relationships with workers and with businesses, and their commitments to workers and business, which leads to varying impacts on workers’ lives. Due-diligence-oriented technology tools were found to help control risk in supply-chain hot spots, but rarely identified modern slavery due to gaining little trust from workers, and business clients not being ready to expose or address modern slavery. Empowerment-oriented worker feedback tools were found to regularly identify modern slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking and to assist exploited workers, but most had no connection to business’s due diligence. Key ethical concerns were exposed as well, including the burden that some technology tools place on worker respondents, with insufficient benefits and safeguards to those vulnerable informant populations.

Worker feedback technologies and combatting modern slavery in global supply chains - Lisa Rende Taylor and Elena Shih, 2019 DOWNLOAD














TIME FOR CHANGE: Forced Labor in Turkmenistan Cotton 2022

Turkmenistan is one of the most closed and repressive countries in the world, with a system of arbitrary, corrupt governance that controls nearly every aspect of public life. It is the tenth- largest producer of cotton in the world and exports cotto...Read More

Sex Trafficking at the Border: An Exploration of Anti-Trafficking Efforts in the Pacific Northwest

The prevalence of human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labour in the Pacific Northwest has been well documented in recent years. This paper focuses specifically on trafficking for sex work across the British Columbia ...Read More

Leaning In: Advancing the Role of Finance Against Modern Slavery

This report on modern slavery and financial institutions by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies and the Freedom Fund considers the role that the financial sector can play in reducing human trafficking and modern slave...Read More

National Hotline 2017 Delaware State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and is accurate as of July 11, 2018. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may be revealed to the National Hotline over time. Conseq...Read More