The Workers’ Well-being Survey focuses on five major areas of interest: access to safe and healthy environment; health and well-being; economic empowerment; equality and acceptance; and education and professional development. Workers’ aspirations were also included in the survey.The study was conducted in five countries: Haiti, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Cambodia. This report refers to the findings of the survey conducted in a factory in the Port Said region of Egypt.

The survey used a questionnaire, developed and finalized through a consultative process involving a variety of stakeholders, that explored each of the areas of interest. Standard statistical procedures were followed to calculate the sample size for the study and to randomly select the respondents. The quantitative survey was followed by qualitative studies to further explain why workers, as a group, answered questions the way they did.

Workers' Well Being Egypt Survey Report - Levi Strauss & Co., 2013 DOWNLOAD














Strategic Leverage: Use of State and Local Laws to Enforce Labour Standards in Immigrant-Dense Occupations

This report examines how states and localities across the country—both red and blue, with and without a long history of labour-protection regimes—are developing innovative strategies to enforce labour standards, and to do so more strategically. M...Read More

Code of conduct for foreign NGOs: Investigating human trafficking and child sexual exploitation & participating in rescues of victims

This document was created as an accompanying document to our “NGO Involvement in Raid/Rescue Operations” Webinar, which was held in May 2017. The webinar examined the risks and benefits, how to conduct better operations, as well as provided opti...Read More

A Review of Prevalence Estimation Methods for Human Trafficking Populations

Human trafficking has long-lasting implications for the well-being of trafficked people, families, and affected communities. Prevention and intervention efforts, however, have been stymied by a lack of information on the scale and scope of the probl...Read More

TAGS: Global
National Hotline 2017 Oklahoma State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and is accurate as of July 11, 2018. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may be revealed to the National Hotline over time. Conseq...Read More