As indicated by revised figures providing additional details on the scope of countries’ workplace closure policies, 94 per cent of the world’s workers are living in countries with some sort of workplace closure measures in place. Although more and more countries are easing these measures to gradually allow workers to return to their workplaces, as at 17 May 2020,1 20 per cent of the world’s workers lived in countries with required workplace closures for all but essential workers. An additional 69 per cent lived in countries with required workplace closures for some sectors or categories of workers, and a further 5 per cent lived in countries with recommended workplace closures.

 ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Fourth edition: Updated estimates and analysis - ILO, 2020 DOWNLOAD














The Effect of COVID-19: Five Impacts on Human Trafficking
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In June 2018, a coalition of global tech companies, civil society organizations, and international institutions jointly launched Tech Against Trafficking (TAT), a collaborative effort to support the eradication of ...Read More

Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2018

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