This handbook is a resource and guide for project managers, developers, implementers, evaluators and donors working in the field of counter-trafficking, who want to develop performance indicators for their counter-trafficking projects. It is not intended to be a comprehensive set of guidelines for project development. It is meant to be used by any organization or donor to help define and incorporate indicators
that measure project performance within the framework of prevention, protection and prosecution.

Having data is essential to make decisions in designing, re-designing, reviewing, revising or updating counter-trafficking projects. Valid and reliable information can provide useful insight into the background
and mechanisms of the human trafficking process. Such information can also help identify gaps and needs in the provision of assistance, which can affect the formulation and implementation of targeted measures to improve conditions. Data and monitoring can help shape a project by highlighting situations that may require corrective action, fill an identified gap or highlight something that is working well that
should be replicated.














Fake Jobs for Sale: Analyzing Fraud and Advancing Transparency in U.S. Labor Recruitment

For years, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM) has documented fraudulent recruitment schemes that funnel hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars per year into the pockets of fraudulent recruiters. This type of fraud is widespread, harming...Read More

What Works for Working Children: Being Effective When Tackling Child Labour

This report describes examples of methods used by Terre des Hommes, their partners around the world and other relevant stakeholders to address child labour successfully. Terre des Hommes reckons the methods described are appropriate for others to re...Read More

Legislating Human Rights Due Diligence: Respecting rights or ticking boxes?

Momentum to enact mandatory human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation is building around the world. Such legislation is necessary to ensure corpo- rations respect human rights and that victims of corporate abuse have access to justice and remedy...Read More

Cash transfer mapping report

In 2015, 193 countries committed to Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pledging to take effective measures to eradicate modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and child labour. The outbreak of COVID-19 severely impacte...Read More