Under the Transparency in Supply Chain clause of the Modern Slavery Act, all companies with a turnover of more than £36m operating in the UK are required to publish an annual statement setting out what they have done to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains and operations.

CORE supported the introduction of this requirement and in 2016 published Beyond Compliance, a guide for business on reporting under the Act. This guidance has been well received by business, but to date, most published statements indicate that companies have a limited understanding of the requirements of the Act and of concepts such as human rights due diligence.

To help address this, CORE has worked with Anti-Slavery InternationalUnicef UK and Business and Human Rights Resource Centre to produce three shorter briefings for businesses to complement the comprehensive guidance, and a briefing for investors.

Recommended Content for a Modern Slavery Statement: This guidance provides information on the six reporting areas covered by the TISC clause; key content of a slavery and human trafficking statement; and expectations beyond a company’s first statement. DOWNLOAD
Engaging with Companies on Modern Slavery – A Briefing for Investors: This guidance document offers a rationale for investor engagement with companies on modern slavery and supply chain reporting, and suggests questions for investors to raise with companies that are required to report under the Act. DOWNLOAD
Tackling Modern Slavery through Human Rights Due Diligence: This guide explains the difference between human rights due diligence and audit, and provides advice to businesses on identifying risks in their supply chains. DOWNLOAD
Modern Slavery Reporting: Weak and Notable Practice - A selection of weak and notable reporting practice from statements published to date. A random sample of modern slavery statements are reviewed according to the information they provide on the six reporting areas suggested in the Act. DOWNLOAD














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