Having effective operational-level grievance mechanisms in place to systematically handle and resolve the grievances that arise helps to diffuse potential problems and provides channels for resolving issues that might otherwise escalate into protests, conflicts or legal disputes. They also provide an important tool to help companies assess the state of community relations and indicate where problems may arise. Investors understand this and are placing increasing emphasis on the need for robust grievance mechanism processes as part of their environmental, social and governance assessment of companies.














Combating Forced Labor: A Handbook for Employers and Business
GuidanceGood Practices

The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 21 million people are currently victims of forced labour. Employers are committed to the elimination of this abhorrent practice. Not only does it create unfair competition and ultimately aff...Read More

Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2022: Insights Report
News & AnalysisGuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) assessed three sectors in 2022: food and agricultural products (57 companies), ICT manufacturing (43 companies) and automotive manufacturing (29 companies). The revised CHRB methodology devotes more at...Read More

TAGS: Global
Full Package Approach to Labor Codes of Conduct
GuidanceGood Practices

In this guide the Clean Clothes Campaign offers guidelines on what companies can do to better assess, implement, and verify compliance with labour standards in their supply chains, and eliminate abuses where and when they arise. The exploitation and...Read More

Combatting Human Trafficking: What Do We Know about What Works?

Evaluations of programmes designed to combathuman trafficking and modern slavery identifysome aspects of ‘What Works;’ however, theirsuccess to date have been limited. Amendmentsto funding mechanisms, notably longer timelines,would improve the e...Read More

TAGS: Global