This toolkit, jointly developed by STOP THE TRAFFIK and Shiva Foundation, seeks to provide practical guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on how they can prevent modern slavery in their business operations. We recognise that many useful resources are available already and we provide reference to them in our further resources list, however, none of the existing free resources are designed specifically for SMEs. SMEs are crucial to the UK economy, employing over 60% of those working in the private sector. Therefore, SMEs are also crucial to preventing modern slavery and should be at the centre of the national strategy. Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, the UK’s flagship legislation to prevent modern slavery, is designed so that large companies are targeted by the legislation and in turn cascade awareness and mitigation efforts down their supply chains to smaller businesses. Although the learnings are gradually being passed on to SMEs in this way, we believe that more needs to be done to provide the SMEs with the tools to proactively prevent modern slavery themselves.

A practical guide for SMEs on how to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in their operations, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Estimating the Prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking in Maharashtra, India

Estimating the prevalence of child sex trafficking (CST) is a critical first step for comprehensively addressing the problem. Information on the size of this key population provides national government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other k...Read More

Green Carbon Black Trade

The vast majority of deforestation and illegal logging takes place in the tropical forests of the Amazon basin, Central Africa and Southeast Asia. Recent studies into the extent of illegal log- ging estimate that illegal logging accounts for 50–90...Read More

Royal Commission of Inquiry Report on the Discovery of Transit Camps and Graves at Wang Kelian, Perlis

The discovery of the camps and graves at Wang Kelian, Perlis, garnered the attention of many and stunned the nation. These camps and graves on the border of Malaysia and Thailand gave rise to an outcry that resulted in the competency of the enforcem...Read More

TAGS: Asia
What makes people Vulnerable to Human Trafficking?

Blue Dragon’s mission is to provide exceptional care for children in crisis, while creating longterm change for a better world. Blue Dragon has two long-term goals: ensuring all street children in Hanoi have access to services and opportunities to...Read More