In 2020, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) initiated a research project to document migrant and trafficked women’s experiences with social and economic inclusion. Some of the questions we sought to answer included: what work, education, and training opportunities are available to migrant and trafficked women in countries of destination or upon return to the country of origin? Are these relevant to the local labour market or do they reinforce gender stereotypes and condemn women to a life of low-wage work? What barriers prevent women from enjoying productive, well-paid, and rewarding work? What, if any, government assistance is available to them? How do women articulate their own ambitions and desires with regards to their work and social life?

'Of course people will hire the white person': Social and economic inclusion of migrant women in Vancouver, Canada - Global Alliance Against Traffic of Women, June 2022 DOWNLOAD














We also have dreams: Ongoing safety and quality of life issues for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

From October 2020 to April of 2021 BHRN interviewed 29 refugees ages 14 to 60 from 10 different camps in Cox’s BazarOf those interviewed 68% were women93% of refugees said they did not receive enough food rations72% described their current safety ...Read More

TAGS: Asia
COVID-19 Health and Safety checklist
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

This checklist should serve as inspiration, and our recommendations must only be applied if in accordance with the regulations provided by local health authorities and governments. The check list is not a stand-alone tool, but should be used in conj...Read More

National Referral Mechanisms – Joining Efforts to Protect the Rights of Trafficked Persons: A Practical Handbook
GuidanceGood Practices

This handbook provides guidance on how to design and implement sustainable mechanisms and structures to combat human trafficking and support victims. It also provides guidance on how to monitor and build the capacity of such mechanisms and structure...Read More

Action plan for developing victim-centred and trauma-informed criminal justice systems

The Action plan aims to give ideas and examples for developing victim-centred and trauma-informed criminal justice systems. The Action plan compiles concepts from research, reports, and past projects as well as examples of models and ways of working...Read More

TAGS: Europe