This report assesses children’s vulnerability to CSEC across the WB6 and focuses specifically on online sexual exploitation of children and sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT). It also provides an overview of what law enforcement authorities, private companies and civil society organizations are doing – and what they are not doing – to respond to, combat and prevent the various manifestations of CSEC.

The report first assesses the current situation in the WB6 and provides an overview of child marriage, SECTT and tech-facilitated CSEC. It also looks specifically at the profile of children at risk (including Roma children and children on the move), the perpetrators of CSEC and the impact of COVID-19. The second part of the report then examines the current responses to CSEC. It outlines the child protection infrastructure by law enforcement authorities and the criminal justice systems, and also assessing the individual support mechanisms provided by civil society across the region and the role of the private sector, especially of internet service providers (ISPs) and the hospitality industry.

Exploited in plain sight: An assessment of commercial sexual exploitation of children and child protection responses in the Western Balkans - GI-TOC, 2021 DOWNLOAD
Exploited in plain sight_Annex - GITOC, 2021 DOWNLOAD
Exploited in plain sight_Press release - GITOC, 2021 DOWNLOAD














The G20 Obligation – Achieving Sustainable, Fair, and Inclusive Global Supply Chains

Modern Slavery is an umbrella term that captures the range of multifaceted and complex crimes, which include all forms of human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage, forced or servile marriage, and the worst forms of child labour. We know th...Read More

First Steps to Safety – The Role of Reception Centres in Supporting People Out of Exploitation
News & Analysis

Our research shows that, while reception centres did offer people immediate respite, the time pressure, conflicting priorities, and limited support options for survivors meant that they did not offer people routes to safety. Survivors of traffic...Read More

What’s Changed In 10 Years?

A LOT CAN CHANGE IN A DECADE. FOR BETTER, AND FOR WORSE. Ten years ago, in the early hours of April 24, 2013, a garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, crumbled. Within its walls were thousands of workers, many of whom never returned home to their ...Read More

Defining the Gap: Data Collection on Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation in Germany –The Civil Society Approach of the KOK

The collection of empirical data on the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings and exploitation is essential in determining the extent of this human rights violation, as well as in deriving from the findings policies and measures for the protecti...Read More

TAGS: Europe