This work is part of a series of Forced Labour Evidence Briefs that seek to bring academic research to bear on calls to address the root causes of the phenomenon in global supply chains and catalyse systemic change. To do so, the briefs consolidate evidence from recent academic research across several disciplines, including political science, law, sociology, business, and management, identified through literature reviews in Web of Science and other academic databases. At a critical moment when COVID-19 has led to increased focus on conditions in global supply chains and growing calls for systemic change, these briefs seek to inject new knowledge from academic research into ongoing debates about how practical reforms can be achieved. They focus on six themes: mandatory human rights due diligence and transparency legislation; commercial contracts and sourcing; investment patterns and leverage; the labour share and value redistribution; ethical certification and social auditing; and worker debt. Each brief presents new ideas and examples of how business models and supply chains can be restructured to promote fair, equitable labour standards and worker rights.

Due Diligence and Transparency Legislation - Re: Structure Lab, April 2021 DOWNLOAD














The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder – BSR, 2017
GuidanceGood Practices

Leading companies recognize that their global supply chains can be a key asset or a major risk, both in terms of the business value that they represent and their potential impacts on society and the environment. Companies want to gain visibility int...Read More

Options for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Belgium
Good Practices

This report provides a series of options to pursue mandatory human rights due diligence legislation in Belgium, based on an analysis of similar initiatives in surrounding countries and an analysis of possible ‘anchors’ in current Belgian law. ...Read More

Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Good Practices

The report by the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, “Ready for Future Chal- lenges - Reinforcing the Council of Europe”, identified trafficking for labour exploitation as one of the major challenges in Europe, referring to ...Read More

Antislavery in Domestic Legislation Country Reports
Standards & Codes of ConductGood PracticesLegislationPublications

Research and analysis conducted by Katarina Schwarz (University of Nottingham) and Jean Allain (Monash University). To assess the extent to which slavery and related forms of human exploitation have been prohibited in domestic law, this project ...Read More

TAGS: Global