At this unprecedented time, many of our most vulnerable children and families are facing new, exacerbated, and compounded risks to their health and safety due to COVID-19. Specifically, there are a number of factors and conditions created or exacerbated by the pandemic that can increase the risk of involvement in sex or labor trafficking.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Sex and Labor Trafficking - NCTSN, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Brexit and Modern Slavery: Impact on the UK’s Legal Framework for Workers in Supply Chains
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Data on the Number of people referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) as potential victims of modern slavery in the UK has increased year-on-year. The number for referrals rose by 36% from 2017 2018 and buy for their 52% in 2019 the second ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
EFFAT meat sector report: poor conditions to blame for spread of Covid-19
COVID-19 resources

This EFFAT report identifies the appalling working, employment and housing conditions affecting thousands of meat workers in many countries across Europe as the reasons why meat processing plants have become vectors for the spread of Covid-19. ...Read More

Un(der)paid in the Pandemic: An estimate of what the garment industry owes its workers
COVID-19 resources

First, in January, when the transportation of raw materials from China to other garment producing countries was suspended, many factories were forced to close temporarily. The next wave hit as the pandemic spread to Europe and the United States (US)...Read More

Impact of Covid-19 on Women Workers in the Horticulture Sector in Kenya
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Hivos commissioned an assessment in April 2020 to establish the impact of Covid-19 on women workers in the horticulture sector. This was assessed with special focus on their current employment status, living conditions, shifts in their household exp...Read More