This report is the second of three working papers exploring the experiences and drivers of labour abuse and exploitation in three understudied low-paid sectors of the economy: cleaning, hospitality and the app-based courier sector. It highlights key workplace issues in the hospitality sector, finding it to be a high-risk sector for labour abuse and exploitation, with workers experiencing frequent issues with pay, inability to take time off sick, dangerous working conditions and work-related violence. Like the cleaning working paper, it uses a feminist participatory action research (FPAR) approach where workers from the sector are involved at every stage of the research process, from design to data collection and analysis.

“To help workers, I would tell the Government to…” Participatory Research with Workers in the UK Hospitality Sector - Focus on Labour Exploitation, 2021 DOWNLOAD














What is the Role of Financial Sanctions in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?
News & AnalysisPublications

No country in the world is immune to the devastating impacts of modern slavery and human trafficking. Representing one of the world’s most profitable criminal enterprises, it generates some USD 150 billion per year. Addressing the financial angle...Read More

TAGS: Global
Are child domestic workers worse off than their peers? Comparing children in domestic work, child marriage, and kinship care with biological children of household heads: Evidence from Zimbabwe

Child domestic work is a hidden form of child labour driven by poverty and social norms. However, little is known about the situations of child domestic workers. This study aims to describe and analyse gender-specific working conditions, health, and...Read More

Exploited in plain sight: An assessment of commercial sexual exploitation of children and child protection responses in the Western Balkans
News & AnalysisPublications

This report assesses children’s vulnerability to CSEC across the WB6 and focuses specifically on online sexual exploitation of children and sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT). It also provides an overview of what law enf...Read More

National Hotline 2016 South Carolina State Report

The following information is based on incoming communication with the National Human Trafficking Hotline from January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016 about human trafficking cases and issues related to human trafficking in South Carolina. ...Read More