Labour rights are deteriorating in Bangladesh, despite government promises to commit to an International Labour Organization (ILO) road map for reform. While the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a period of crisis for workers, the pattern of abuse for workers’ rights has been entrenched for years.

We Need a Better Bangladesh: Violations of Workers’ Rights in the Ready-Made Garment, Shipbreaking and Leather Sectors, International Trade Union Confederation, March 2022 DOWNLOAD














The Use of Bayesian Networks for Realist Evaluation of Complex Interventions: Evidence for Prevention of Human Trafficking
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Complex systems and realist evaluation offer promising approaches for evaluating social interventions. These approaches take into account the complex interplay among factors to produce outcomes, instead of attempting to isolate single causes of obse...Read More

Hidden, Unprotected, and Vulnerable: Supporting Informal RMG Workers in Bangladesh
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An analysis of Bangladesh’s existing legal standards for the apparel industry reveals significant gaps in protections for workers in the informal ready-made garment (RMG) sector. This study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago with supp...Read More

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In July 2021, The Avery Center and the National Survivor Law Collective (NSL Collective) co-authored the first Legal Deserts Report to depict the landscape of legal services for survivors of trafficking. Specifically, The Avery Center's research tea...Read More

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Cyber slavery is emerging as a form of organized crime of unprecedented severity and scale. Conservative estimates suggest that tens of thousands of victims are held captive in scamming compounds. While getting spammed with fraudulent messages i...Read More