Do you know of any initiatives and/or organisations working with the private sector on human trafficking issues?

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) and the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT), two of the founding organisations of the Interactive Map for Business of Anti-human Trafficking Initiatives and Organisations (, are conducting a global outreach to make the tool a more complete, comprehensive and open resource which helps the private sector identify the organisations and initiatives partnering with them in the fight against human trafficking and other forms of modern slavery around the world. The Map currently reflects 112 initiatives and organisations across 8 geographies.

To enhance the tool’s utility, we are searching for additional initiatives and organisations which are:

  • based in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Oceania
  • working with companies in sectors such as apparel, construction, manufacturing, transport and mining;* or
  • focused on identifying survivors of human trafficking and forced labour, and supporting in their rehabilitation and reintegration into society

* These regions and industries are currently under-represented on our Map

Please find below the current list of initiatives and organisations included on the Map as of June 2020.

A comprehensive landscape of initiatives and organisations partnering with business to fight against human trafficking will be an invaluable contribution to the field.

If you have information on the additional initiatives and organisations, please kindly fill in this online form, or contact the research team directly by September 30, 2020: Ms Thi Hoang,

We are also happy to answer any questions or concerns via a phone call.

Thank you for your support.

List of initiatives and organisations included on the Map as of June 2020 DOWNLOAD























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TAGS: Europe