This Learning Paper Series was developed by the USAID Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project with the overall aim to learn from our current and previous programming to better inform our future work. Winrock In- ternational is the implementing partner of this USAID-funded regional project. Winrock also implements six other USAID CTIP projects in nine countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Thailand, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In addition to this, Winrock is the implementing partner to an additional CTIP proj- ect in Bangladesh, generously funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Based on the wealth of experience coming from the region and the unique perspective of the regional project, USAID Asia CTIP decided to develop this Learning Paper Series to pull out crucial learnings that can be widely disseminated to funders, our teams at home office, our project staff in the field, and anyone else working in CTIP that wants to ensure the highest quality program delivery.

The papers in this series are meant to be small in scope, tackling specific areas of concern in the general program- ming models. In the future, the aim is to address the identified shortcomings with CTIP partners and ensure that ways of working are evidence based and impactful for survivors.

Providing Services to Survivors in Counter Trafficking Projects: Learning from Our Actions - USAID and Winrock International, September 2021 DOWNLOAD














Determinants of Anti-Trafficking Efforts

This project sought to set out the determinants of anti-trafficking efforts, understood as factors shaping governments’ anti-trafficking efforts and influencing compliance with – and implementation of – international standards. It sought to do...Read More

TAGS: Global
Building Slavery-free Communities: A Resilience Framework

There is growing interest in the use of community-based approaches to address the causes of modern slavery and the related goal of building anti-slavery ‘resilience.’ However, the concept of resilience is often poorly understood and applied wit...Read More

TAGS: Global
Protection From Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) During COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a public health, social and economic crisis that is global in scale. With restrictions on travel and movement, civil society and humanitarian organizations play a critical role in supporting governments to respond. All peopl...Read More

Responding to Modern Slavery and Exploitation within the Homelessness Sector

Findings and Recommendations from the first year of The Passage’s Anti-Slavery Project. Written by Dr Júlia Tomás. The report looks at the experiences of homelessness organisations across England in working with victims of modern slavery who...Read More