The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the largest movement of people in Europe since World War II. Those who are fleeing the war in Ukraine are in an extremely vulnerable position. Experience from conflicts worldwide shows that the instability and turmoil created by war is fertile ground for traffickers seeking to exploit the vulnerability of internally displaced people and refugees.

In the weeks since the war started in Ukraine, there has already been evidence of human trafficking activity. Requests to support potentially trafficked people in countries bordering Ukraine, and in other European countries, have already been received by anti-trafficking organisations. National law enforcement bodies are reporting suspicious behaviour that could indicate human trafficking. Hotlines are receiving increased levels of calls for advice.

Preventing human trafficking of refugees from Ukraine: A rapid assessment of risks and gaps in the anti-trafficking response - Suzanne Hoff & Eefje de Volder (La Strada International and the Freedom Fund), May 2022 DOWNLOAD














Does Human Trafficking Exist in Your Community?: Examining Reports and Reviewing Facts

A reference tool to assist community actors in finding reliable sources of data about human trafficking incidents in their area.

Strengthening International Response to Alleged Xinjiang Forced Labour

Since 2018, a range of civil society, academic and governmental actors have raised concerns about possible forced labour in and connected to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People’s Republic of China. Governments and corporate en...Read More

Adult Modern Slavery Protocol for Local Authorities: NRM Process Guide for Local Authorities

This guide accompanies the Local Authorities’ Referral Process Pathway for Adult Victims of Modern Slavery. This guide provides non-prescriptive steps to follow when a potential victim of human trafficking or modern slavery is identified. It shoul...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Human trafficking & traffickers in Vietnam- An analysis of the nature of trafficking and the profile of traffickers in Vietnam based on information from court cases

This document aims to explain and provide details about the trafficking situation in Vietnam and provide insight into the general profile of traffickers and the crime of human trafficking. While the data source is limited, it provides some insight a...Read More

TAGS: Asia