Following a roadmap and public consultation and several postponements, the European Commission published a draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence on 23 February 2022. The Draft Directive will now be negotiated within the European Parliament and the European Council with an estimated final adoption later this year or in 2023. The steps taken by European Union institutions to regulate business conduct in the form of the Directive are generally welcome, and the proposal itself contains a number of positive elements that should be maintained or developed.

Advancing child rights in the proposed EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive - Save the Children & International Commission of Jurists, May 2022 DOWNLOAD














Children’s experiences of online sexual exploitation and abuse in 12 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa and Southeast Asia

For more than two decades, we have used the internet to connect with family and friends worldwide. Internet usage was already increasing year-over-year, and the tools we use to connect have been rapidly evolving – but then we were hit by...Read More

The Use of Bayesian Networks for Realist Evaluation of Complex Interventions: Evidence for Prevention of Human Trafficking
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Complex systems and realist evaluation offer promising approaches for evaluating social interventions. These approaches take into account the complex interplay among factors to produce outcomes, instead of attempting to isolate single causes of obse...Read More

Lawyers Manual on Human Trafficking

Edited by by Jill Laurie Goodman and Dorchen A. Leidholdt.A guide for legal professionals working with victims of human trafficking.

Guidance Tool for Construction Companies in the Middle East
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In the face of shifting labour market trends within both the Middle East region and the construction sector, the ILO and IOE have identified the need for specialized resources that allow enterprises to develop internal policies and procedures that s...Read More