The forthcoming Modern Slavery Bill, announced in the 2022 Queen’s Speech, presents a significant opportunity for the UK Government to implement its outstanding commitments in relation to strengthening Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) provisions; commitments it has made in response to recent governmental and parliamentary inquiries. These key outstanding commitments include:

  • Extending Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to the public sector
  • Removing Section 54(4)(b) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which allows organisations to report that they have taken ‘no steps’ to tackle modern slavery in their supply chains
  • Mandating the areas that TISC statements should cover
  • Establishing a single enforcement body with the powers to impose financial penalties against non-compliant organisations
  • Introducing civil penalties for organisations which fail to meet their statutory obligations under Section 54
  • Introducing a single reporting deadline for TISC statements
Modern Slavery Bill: Strengthening Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) - University of Nottingham, 2022 DOWNLOAD














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Labor Migration in Asia: Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis and the Post-Pandemic Future
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Business Banking and Start-up Support for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
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