The forthcoming Modern Slavery Bill, announced in the 2022 Queen’s Speech, presents a significant opportunity for the UK Government to implement its outstanding commitments in relation to strengthening Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) provisions; commitments it has made in response to recent governmental and parliamentary inquiries. These key outstanding commitments include:

  • Extending Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to the public sector
  • Removing Section 54(4)(b) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which allows organisations to report that they have taken ‘no steps’ to tackle modern slavery in their supply chains
  • Mandating the areas that TISC statements should cover
  • Establishing a single enforcement body with the powers to impose financial penalties against non-compliant organisations
  • Introducing civil penalties for organisations which fail to meet their statutory obligations under Section 54
  • Introducing a single reporting deadline for TISC statements
Modern Slavery Bill: Strengthening Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) - University of Nottingham, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Combatting Human Trafficking: What Do We Know about What Works?

Evaluations of programmes designed to combat human trafficking and modern slavery identify some aspects of ‘What Works’ however, their success to date have been limited. Amendments to funding mechanisms, notably longer timelines, would improve t...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Modern Slavery Typologies for Financial Services Providers

Financial institutions analyse typologies to pursue investigations, compare scenarios and follow patterns that lead to identifying suspicious activities linked to trafficking and slavery. The typology repository offers guidance for banks on a number ...Read More

Labor Inspection Training on Child Labor – Liberia

This facilitator’s guide provides tips and advice to help facilitators successfully use the curriculum for Labour Inspection Training on Child Labour in Liberia. It describes the purpose and objectives of the training; provides an overview of...Read More

TAGS: Africa
Human Trafficking: What Disaster Responders Need to Know
GuidanceGraphics & Infographics

Studies have shown that even outside of a disaster context, approximately 50% of individuals who have been trafficked saw a health professional while being trafficked. However, first responders are rarely trained to recognize these patients, despite...Read More