Verité conducted a combination of desk and field research, employing a mixed methods approach to field data collection. A total of 501 electronics workers were interviewed using a quantitative survey form by a team of twelve researchers. The sample included foreign workers from seven countries, as well as Malaysian nationals. A set of longer, semi-structured interviews were also conducted, to supplement the quantitative data. These interviews were used to explore particular aspects of vulnerability to forced labour, and to profle how various risk factors can combine to trap workers in their jobs. Regional and global stakeholders from civil society, government and business were also consulted. Interpretation of the data was guided by the International Labour Organization’s survey guidelines to estmate forced labour. Throughout the process of applying the ILO framework, Verité erred consistently on the side of caution, choosing to define forced labour narrowly to ensure that positive findings were always based on solid, unambiguous evidence – even when this meant leaving additional evidence aside that might also have contributed to a forced labour determination. For this and other reasons discussed throughout the report, the positive findings of forced labour reported below are very likely lower than the actual rates of forced labour in the Malaysian electronics industry and should be viewed as a minimum estimate.

Forced Labour in the Production of Electronic Goods in Malaysia: A Comprehensive Study of Scope and Characteristics - Verite, 2014 DOWNLOAD














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